COVID-19 Resources & Support
The novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has led to sudden, widespread school closures across the country and globe. School food teams have been working tirelessly to adapt to school closures and provide remote feeding solutions to their communities. To ensure our nation’s children are fed during this crisis, we’ve pulled together these resources from our partner organizations, federal entities, and school districts.
Photo credit: Emily Sides / Inside NOVA

COVID-19 Resources & Support
The novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has led to sudden, widespread school closures across the country and globe. School food teams have been working tirelessly to adapt to school closures and provide remote feeding solutions to their communities. To ensure our nation’s children are fed during this crisis, we’ve pulled together these resources from our partner organizations, federal entities, and school districts.
Photo credit: Emily Sides / Inside NOVA
Our Resources
We’ve gathered the most up-to-date resources for schools, parents, and kids. We’ll keep adding to this section to support families and school districts across the country.
Photo credit: Olivia Sullivan / Federal Way Mirror

Our Resources
We’ve gathered the most up-to-date resources for schools, parents, and kids. We’ll keep adding to this section to support families and school districts across the country.
Photo credit: Olivia Sullivan / Federal Way Mirror

A Letter from CEO Mara Fleishman
Dear Chef Ann Foundation community,
Much like our organization and industry, I’m sure most of you are settling into what has been coined “the new normal.” The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting so many aspects of our lives, and just when we think we have a handle on it, there’s another twist.
Since the beginning, our school food service professionals have been on the front lines of this crisis. They’re working very long hours, creating makeshift cafeterias, and ensuring that our most vulnerable populations have food and nourishment. We are incredibly grateful for their service to our country.
We also want to appreciate those who have reached out asking how they can help during this time. The Chef Ann Foundation (CAF) wants to make sure that we provide support where it’s needed, and right now school districts are focused on keeping their communities fed.
Because many school food leadership teams had to create emergency plans in such a short time period, they didn’t have the opportunity initially to confer with fellow districts on planning and issues. So within this section, you will find operational plans from our partner districts, providing an at-a-glance view of different district’s decisions.
We have developed this webpage with links to our partner districts’ remote feeding plans, along with topline information about federal guidance during this time. You’ll also find links to partner resources; recipes, activities, and resources for parents; ways to support; and news and articles on COVID-19 and school food during the pandemic.
If you’re able, please visit your school district websites to see if they need donations or volunteers. CAF will continue to connect with all of our partner districts across the country to better understand their needs as this situation evolves. If you wish to support CAF at this time, please visit our donation page here. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
Stay safe and healthy, and take care of each other.
Mara Fleishman
Chief Executive Officer
Chef Ann Foundation

A Letter from CEO Mara Fleishman
Dear Chef Ann Foundation community,
Much like our organization and industry, I’m sure most of you are settling into what has been coined “the new normal.” The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting so many aspects of our lives, and just when we think we have a handle on it, there’s another twist.
Since the beginning, our school food service professionals have been on the front lines of this crisis. They’re working very long hours, creating makeshift cafeterias, and ensuring that our most vulnerable populations have food and nourishment. We are incredibly grateful for their service to our country.
We also want to appreciate those who have reached out asking how they can help during this time. The Chef Ann Foundation (CAF) wants to make sure that we provide support where it’s needed, and right now school districts are focused on keeping their communities fed.
Because many school food leadership teams had to create emergency plans in such a short time period, they didn’t have the opportunity initially to confer with fellow districts on planning and issues. So within this section, you will find operational plans from our partner districts, providing an at-a-glance view of different district’s decisions.
We have developed this webpage with links to our partner districts’ remote feeding plans, along with topline information about federal guidance during this time. You’ll also find links to partner resources; recipes, activities, and resources for parents; ways to support; and news and articles on COVID-19 and school food during the pandemic.
If you’re able, please visit your school district websites to see if they need donations or volunteers. CAF will continue to connect with all of our partner districts across the country to better understand their needs as this situation evolves. If you wish to support CAF at this time, please visit our donation page here. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
Stay safe and healthy, and take care of each other.
Mara Fleishman
Chief Executive Officer
Chef Ann Foundation